Went out and met my highschool mates tonight. The chat was great asking each other how are we doing and what's our next plans. But it kinda turned pretty awkward from me when one of them asked 'I thought you went to spread religion?' (It's in Chinese so pls excuse my grammar.) I didn't know how to answer for a moment cause it sounded like I'm some cult....
So it kept me thinking while I'm home showering just now. Am I really such a 'cult' to my friends? Maybe I was.. But does it really matter? What have I been doing these 4 years? I seem so irrelevant to people my age. So I bathed and thought about how my life has been these years. At last, I smiled. I knew I was a better person. I knew that I want the broken like me to know there's hope, there's a future, there's a life to live. I want the thousands and millions to know that they have a second chance. I want to introduce them one thing called Love. And the love I know of is Jesus. :)
Finally the questions comes - Why are you still single? Set your standards lower!
So why? What type of guy am I really looking for?
I searched my heart and I found the answer - A man that will make a difference.
A man that will live for others and change the world he live in.
So yeah! Stop bugging me aight? I'm reserving my best for this one and only! Let's keep on searching! :)
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