Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Today was a long day. A fruitful one I would say. One of the highlights is having to spend time talking with one of my close friend. Everyone has been busy for the whole season. I was happy to be able to catch up, but yet I found things or maybe I should call it 'secrets' that were not made known to me. And the worst part is, the friend kinda regretted after sharing.

Well, I understand that people keep their secrets. Sometimes they need to protect themselves, sometimes they need to protect others. But secret is also something that will either build a relationship or destroy it.

For my case, nothing much was broken, nothing was build either. But one thing I know is that God is allowing this to happen not because He wants me to be sad. But rather, He is simply reminding me not to rely on human relationships but to realize that He is the only one that can meet all my needs and He will never disappoint me.

So I spent some time with Him, and with all His faithfulness, He gave me a song to restore me. I can't play any instruments, so there is only lyrics. And oh ya! This time, it's a Chinese song. ;)

Here it goes........

朋友在我的身边 多得我数不清
路过的 真心的 我再也都分不清


怎么了 是我变了吗 还是我们从来没有真正认识过
怎么了 是我被遗忘了吗 时间怎么在我们之间建筑了一到厚厚的墙
失望 难过 把我深深地淹没

走着 哭着 突然听到了个熟悉的声音
转过身 回头望
看到那伤痕累累的手 才明白最爱我得人其实是祢
看见我的狼狈过去 才领悟到那伤痕的来源其实是我

此刻, 我找到了最爱我的祢

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